
A Letter To The Reader

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My name is Tia Danair. 

I developed an intense curiosity for everything personal finance and financial literacy about 2 years ago. I noticed a need for knowledge among my peers and some mistakes from older friends. I have always been one to try and learn from others’ mistakes . So, when I hear older people talking about either the mistakes they made or the things they did right, I try to take heed. 

Before my journey to financial literacy could begin, I had to be very honest about four things. 

  • Number One: I know how to work hard and make money but my habit of being broke half way through the pay period (while managing very few expenses) showed me that I wasn’t the best at managing it. 
  • Number Two: Financial stability was possible and not going to be reached by accident. The result that I received in the future would likely be linked to my choices now. 
  • Number Three: LIFE HAPPENS!! Sometimes life throws us a curve ball. I’m sure that there were some people that lost a lot in the last recession that did ‘all the right things” beforehand. I have no way of knowing if my future holds similar events but I decided young that I was going to do my absolute best to learn and apply good information.  

Before I could effectively learn what I have, I first had to understand my motivation and come to understand some of the root causes of some of the behaviors that I witnessed and exhibited. I have come through a season of self education and entered into a season of application.

Either way, as I learn, I will do my best to teach. Click here for more detail about my experience and let’s grow in knowledge and wisdom together! 


Tia Danair