
Being financially proficient is just as important to our future well-being as any other skill. Among the most discussed financial topics today are education financing, savings, investing and inheritance (also called generational wealth). On this site, you will find a variety of resources including a blog, links, templates, worksheets, and books to help you on your financial journey. Topics covered include but are not limited to saving, investing, education debt, scholarships and budgeting, financial planning and professional development.

I believe that my purpose is to help and teach others what I have learned. If you feel so inclined, you can request a time to speak with me one-on-one on the Coaching page. I believe that learning is a lifetime endeavor so I do not know everything but as my slogan goes, “as I learn, I teach.”


gig economy

3 Steps To Budget Irregular Income

We are officially in what many people refer to as the ‘gig’ economy. Oxford dictionary defines a gig economy as “a labor market characterized by the prevalence of short-term contracts or

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Budgeting is the most foundational element of personal finance. In order to take control of our finances, we must know how much is coming to us and how much is going out. For anyone needing help with creating and sticking to a budget, assistance is available!

A common consequence of failing to take control of our finance is the accumulation of debt. While being in debt to anyone for any reason is not a “good” thing, some types of debt are more detrimental to long term success than others. One extremely important step achieving financial success is managing debt. This includes organizing, tracking and creating a plan to pay off debt and a strategy to use credit responsibly going forward.

The process of applying for and receiving scholarships can be confusing for new students. Aside from institutional scholarships, the number of third-party funds and foundations are nearly endless. While application for a scholarship does not guarantee it will be rewarded, receiving assistance through this process can make it less intimidating and more efficient.

For many students, financial aid only takes the form of loans that have to be repaid. Additionally, many students and parents have to engage with this system without sufficient assistance. For any student or parent that is going through this process and needs insight and guidance, we are here to help.


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